Friday, July 29, 2016

Always dress appropriately

Just back from two weeks in Japan where I learned a lot about bicycle etiquette.
Knitted armlets and fingerless gloves will prevent the forearms from being scorched in the midday sun.
Never leave the house without a hat and remember to adjust a floppy brim to ensure good visibility.
Lipstick to match your bike frame indicates thoughtful attention to detail.
Dismount at a busy crossing and be careful to not get your chiffon skirt caught in the spokes.
Hand covers come in all manner of designs, faux lace can add a touch of elegance to your profile.
A loose shirt allows for some air circulation in a sultry climate.
If you must read a text, (or find a Pokemon) mid-journey, stop and place one foot on the ground for stability.
Brolly for shade, brolly for rain, always carry a brolly.

(P.S. Potential fine 50,000 Yen however!)

Thursday, July 28, 2016

High summer

Been catching each of my new roses as they come into bloom. I will treasure 2016 as the summer of anticipation… especially for the one mystery rose that got separated from its label… really had to restrain myself from prising open a bud!
Just space on the page left for Madame Alfred Carriere which has kindly waited until my return from holiday.
Clockwise from top, Rosa pomifera, Rose de Rescht, Gertrude Jeykll, Buff Beauty, Rhapsody in Blue, Tuscany superb.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Garden maths

 I've been busy "adding" to my rose border.

Take an old paintbrush and a pot of black paint

and some old hoe heads that have been waiting for their moment of glory...

Friday, July 1, 2016

Suffolk skies

With Wimbledon fortnight well under way, what better excuse to relax and enjoy some changeable weather!