Just back from two weeks in Japan where I learned a lot about bicycle etiquette.
Knitted armlets and fingerless gloves will prevent the forearms from being scorched in the midday sun.
Never leave the house without a hat and remember to adjust a floppy brim to ensure good visibility.
Lipstick to match your bike frame indicates thoughtful attention to detail.
Dismount at a busy crossing and be careful to not get your chiffon skirt caught in the spokes.
Hand covers come in all manner of designs, faux lace can add a touch of elegance to your profile.
A loose shirt allows for some air circulation in a sultry climate.
If you must read a text, (or find a Pokemon) mid-journey, stop and place one foot on the ground for stability.
Brolly for shade, brolly for rain, always carry a brolly.
(P.S. Potential fine 50,000 Yen however!)